Non-relationship .... retro-style
I can't help myself... I need to blog this.... sorry to my friends.. I dont mean to make you my guinea pigs :)
Last night was tito Gerry and tita Beth's 25th wedding anniversary (aka Johara's parents). Congratulations to them!!! I always say that things like those call for a celebration as not everybody is lucky to reach that point in their relationship.
This makes you think about relationships. The different kinds that exist out there, the different labels and people's attitude toward them. I look at my friends and I realize, we are all different...
Case number 1, The Perfect Couple: Michiko, in a happy, healthy relationship for years with Galvin. Ideal couple, they complement each other and they almost look alike at times. Enough said, I guess this is self explanatory, I'm very happy for them, I can't imagine them not ending up with each other. BTW, she picked out a charm from the cake saying: "you'll marry soon"
Case number 2, The Power of Love: Giselle and Carlo. Little, miss-good girl meets Mr not-so-good boy. This college scholar, former-school-teacher gets into a relationship with Mr artistic fratman. They fall in love and poof. You think all is history, wait til Mr not-so-good boy gets back to his not-so-good ways. They have a terrible, terrible break up. but somewhere along the way, love finds its way and brings this couple back. It's been more than a year since their breakup and these two looks like they're going a long way more. Nice save!
Note: she didn't get to pick a charm from the cake, she left early.
Case number 3, The "Un-relationship": Johara and Marlon. Now these two, have been dating exclusively for as looong as I could remember, but they choose "not to fall under any categorical relationship labels". They're not "a couple" nor "MU" but as long as they can understand each other, then they're fine. It's been like this for about 8 years now and it will be for many years to come. (ok Gracee, don't argue, let them be!)
Her cake charm: with a gasp she read: "you'll be happy as a single maid"
- i say, of course not! you don't fall under that label either! 

Case number 4, The Love-hate relationship: Gracee has been going out with Michael for 10 months now. I wouldn't say they had the perfect beginning, but they are doing fine. Except that she dates Puerto Ricans behind his back and he hacks her email and multiply account!!!! (i hope he's not reading this now - - again!) bwahaha. She tells him that she's going out with the girls. He says: sometimes I think you enjoy their company more than mine. She says yes, of course. But nevertheless, I know somewhere there, they're very happy.
Her cake charm: "you'll marry your best friend"
So anyway, to the party, I brought RJ (or JR) along. I knew the girls will be bringing their boyfriends, I'll be the lone single star yet again. I'm the only single person in the group -- ( here in the Philippines, paging Cappy in Canada!
), which brings me to my final case:

Case number 5, The Companionship: FYI, RJ and I go a loooong way back in Highschool, we met at a common friend's (Joey... as in Joey ni Anna E) party. I was his date during his gradball in LSGH, we talked for hours on the phone, we dated several times during the 7 years we've known each other... BUT, we were never romantic, always platonic.
Maybe it was alcohol washing over her, but Johara, out of nowhere blurts out: "hey, kayo ba?" ... like there was a big lump on our throats, we laughed it off. Hello?! No way, we're good friends. Johara asks again: "C'mon, don't tell me "it's for companionship" again. You've used that excuse since Highschool" It's not an excuse, FYI, it was reasoning.

Michiko asks later, what do you like about Chach? Hmmm, I dunno, but he's nice.
Johara asks, do you think he's the one? When he comes back in October, buys me a condo at McKinley Hill, I'll answer that question.
My mom tells me, maybe something's wrong with me, why am I still single. I tell her, I haven't met the one who deserves me.. naks! He will come in time (in a ducati or maybe on a surfboard). I'm not vulnerable anymore, I've grown a callous heart. I'm very independent and complete. I think a man is a "bonus" in life. If you get it then yey, if not, then maybe next month. I'm happy where I am, enjoying the company of my "companions" until I meet Mr Right.
So just to drive my point home, it doesn't really matter what your stand is in a relationship, you may be happy, happily fighting, or not in a relationship at all, as long as you are contented, then you're on the right track. 

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